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Sunday 23 November 2014

Nikolay Khozyainov

Q1.Which artists have influenced you the most?

In general, I love listening to and communicating with musicians of older generations. After this I always have a feeling of wisdom and of creative enrichment. The energy, which has accumulated over the generations is transmitted through such musicians. For me it is most of all Sergey Rachmaninov. His playing and the compositions themselves impress with such depth and seriousness, have such an enormous power of thought and feeling, it not only touches but deeply amazes the listener. I listen very often to the works of this composer and pianist and carry them in my heart.

Q2. What are your impressions of Yamaha pianos?

I take a big pleasure in playing the Yamaha piano, it is always very sensitive to what I feel and want to express in music. This piano unfolds a magnificent world of sounds, its tenderness and richness of the tones remain in my mind for a long time. I would like to note that the CFX has a wonderful upper register with unique expressiveness, and also has a powerful and beautiful bass. The presence of all these qualities would make any piano wonderful, but only wonderful. What the CFX has in addition, is a spiritual energy which is deeply connecting the piano with my heart and soul, that is what makes the Yamaha CFX a unique instrument.

Q3. What does music, or the piano, mean to you?

Every person has their own inner life, which unfolds to people through his or her actions and deeds. My inward life is reflected through musical sounds, which are a reflection of who I am as a musician, and my condition at the moment. When I play I am communicating with the audience through musical sounds; my playing expresses my feelings, my emotions. My music also reflects my life, my journey in this world which is not smooth and cloudless, but thorny and bumpy.
Classical music enriches people spiritually, you become wiser, your perception of life itself is evolves, you feel yourself mature as a person.

Q4. Which are your favorite performance venues?

Most important for me is to have an understanding, clever audience at the concert. I would like mention the Great and Small halls of the Moscow Conservatory, where the energy of the great artists of the past is still felt. We don't have them with us anymore, but I anyway feel their presence.
There are good acoustics in Carnegie Hall, Berlin Kozerthaus, where I have enjoyed performing. I can't forget to mention Hamarikyu Asahi Hall in Tokyo where it was very comfortable to play, and where the atmosphere and mood of the listeners was so impressive. In May 2014 I will perform in London Wigmore hall, I heard that it has wonderful acoustics and I look forward to it.

Q5. Do you have a message for people learning the piano?

Everyone creates his own universe while moving forward in life. The true purpose of human life is to live, not just to exist. We meet difficulties, obstacles; to surmount obstacles is also life. To live is to constantly move forward. The one who wins in life, is he who doesn't give up after one misfortune, and in fact preservers even after hundred failures. Everyone must understand very well that the one who succeeds is the one who works hard.

Informasi Artis

Nikolay Khozyainov
Khozyainov became known around the world by his outstanding performance as the youngest finalist in the 2010 Chopin Competition in Poland. Since then he has won top prizes at the Dublin and Sydney International Piano Competitions, and has toured around the world.


Nikolay Khozyainov made his debut at age seven in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. He has since garnered numerous prizes, including top prizes at the Dublin and Sydney International Piano Competitions and the Moscow International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition for Young Pianists. Additionally, he was the youngest finalist competing in the International Chopin Piano Competition in 2010. He has appeared with the Sydney Symphony, Tokyo Symphony, and Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestras, among others. Mr. Khozyainov released his first CD, featuring works by Chopin and Liszt, on the Accord label in 2010. He followed this in 2012 with an all-Chopin disc released by the Chopin Institute in Warsaw and another recording on the JVC Victor label in Japan. He is currently enrolled at the Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

Recommend Instrument

Premium Pianos
Premium Pianos
Concert grand pianos are the ultimate musical instruments. And Yamaha Premium Pianos are among the best.

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